One-time and long-term services for online health providers!

Business Coaching for Nutritionists, Dietitians, and Health Coaches

Because you want to spend your time helping your clients, not building systems

As a private practice owner for the past 4 years, I know how hard it is to go from earning your degree or certification to filling up your practice.

I'm ready to help you build systems that give you time back, help you fill up your client list, and empower you to feel confident in your business!

All Business Coaching Services

One-time services:
Done for you

1-hour case consultation call to help you feel confident while you're working with a client who may be struggling with:

  • Disordered eating patterns
  • Chronic dieting
  • ARFID (Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder)
  • Disinterest in food

This service is for nutritionists, CNS's, dietitians, or therapists who do not have a background in disordered eating and need a little extra support.

Pricing: $100/hour
  • Practice Better - I will take your online course content and set it up seamlessly and aesthetically for your clients to use in Practice Better!
  • Email Funnels - I will help you set up an automated email funnel to effortlessly grow your email list.

Pricing is project-dependent and will be discussed after receiving your inquiry form

3-month coaching program for the business newbie

Case consulting

Helping you hit the ground running with your private practice or coaching business! Examples of topics we can cover together:

  • Accountability support
  • Pricing your offerings
  • Getting comfortable making sales calls 
  • Creating protocols for your clients
  • Building referral systems
  • Creating a social media presence that feels authentic
  • Client retention
  • Time management support
  • Preventing burnout as a business owner
  • Diversifying your income

Know you need support but not sure where to start? 

Let's chat!!

Business Coaching Program Overview

Thorough 1-week onboarding process to help me understand where you are now and where you want to go with your business!
Monthly 1-hour 1:1 coaching sessions

Between-session check-ins to help you stay on track

Unlimited messaging support

Tons of templates, handouts, and educational support

I'm ready to dive in and help you accomplish your unique business goals. There is no "copy and paste" support here!

set up

1:1 support

personalized for you

pricing for 3 months of coaching:

$197 per month
$532 paid in full (save 10%)

Absolutely! Whether you have 0 clients or 30, I can help you identify pain-points and determine short and long term goals (with precise action steps to achieve them).

My coaching and case-consult services are intended for providers who are looking to build out their private practice and increase support for their clients. While I am a CNS, I am not a CNS mentor at this time and cannot fulfill CNS training hours.

Ready to feel confident and efficient in your business?