Anti-Diet, Intuitive Eating, and Disordered Eating Nutrition Services

There are 3 different ways to work together, depending on your needs!

With 1:1 Nutrition Counseling, you'll get 1:1 support in learning how to heal your relationship with food, stop binge eating, and become an intuitive eater. Ellen also takes an anti-diet approach to supporting hormonal and digestive concerns.

You can utilize your Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance plan, pay out of pocket, or request a superbill.

Intuitive Eating, Disordered Eating, and Anti-Diet Approaches to Hormonal & Digestive Health

1:1 Nutrition Counseling

Take the first step:

This is a holistic health Intuitive Eating program designed to help you overcome binge eating, stop emotional eating, and finally make nutrition decisions that support your optimal health (instead of listening to diet culture!).

Eat "healthy" without diet culture

F*ck Your Diet Coaching Program

These comprehensive GI-MAP stool testing packages are for anyone who is struggling with their digestive health and wants to support their gut, but wants to avoid restrictive dieting.

Learn how to support your digestion as an Intuitive Eater! Health at Every Size-aligned support!

GI-MAP Gut Health Testing Packages


She takes a practical & holistic approach to nutrition and on top of being insightful, is very validating in her ability to listen to the individual's story. This experience was well worth it to know what I can add to my own life to improve its quality, refine how I look at what "healthy" means to me, and validate good habits."

"It has been such a treat working with Ellen. 


When it was recommended by my primary care doctor, I reached out hesitantly to a few of the nutritionists they recommended. After about two minutes of chatting with Ellen, I knew that she was going to be someone I can trust, talk to, and learn from. Working with Ellen has been a joy and I honestly cannot wait to see how continuing to meet with her changes my life."

"Nutrition is and has been a point of struggle in my day-to-day life.

kind words