Support Your Digestion Without Restriction

GI-MAP gut health TESTING packages

Are you fed up with long-term symptoms that your doctor (and Dr. Google) can't give you answers for?

Do you want to improve your digestive symptoms but have no idea where to start?

Are you tired of being bloated, gassy, uncomfortable, and constantly wondering if you'll have to run to the bathroom during a work call?

I've been there. And I get it.

My digestive issues caused me to have an awful relationship with food and my body - until I learned how to really address the root of my issues!

Ready to really understand what is going on with your gut?

It is possible to be an intuitive eater AND to make supportive changes to your health to heal your gut!

I can show you how.

The Joyfully Fed Nutrition Approach to Gut Health

use real data for personalized plans

empower with education

support with intuitive eating

No cookie-cutter protocols here. Every person and symptom is unique and deserves a unique treatment plan!

 I use the GI-MAP stool test with clients to understand exactly what is going on in their gut microbiome. I use that data to create personalized protocols.

Body knowledge is power. It took me 8+ years and a graduate degree in nutrition to finally learn how to heal my gut. I believe that you deserve better!

I use 1:1 sessions and the Balanced Gut Breakthrough modules to teach clients how to support their digestion now and in the future.

Is it possible to practice Intuitive Eating while also working to heal gut symptoms? Yes!!

Many practitioners are quick to put clients on restrictive diets, without considering the long term impacts of this. I work individually with my clients to help them feel empowered by food through this process, rather than feel scared. 

use real data for personalized plans

It's time to look at the data to determine what is actually causing your symptoms (rather than continuing to throw sh*t at the wall to see what sticks!)

The GI-MAP test is a comprehensive stool test that you can take from home!

What the GI-MAP tests for

BACTERIAL PATHOGENS (E. Coli, C. difficile, Salmonella, and many more)

H. Pylori is known to have a causative role in ulcers, chronic gastritis, and stomach cancer

A quantitative report of your "good" vs. "bad" gut bacteria and how these could be impacting your symptoms

VIRAL PATHOGENS (Adrenovirus 40/41, Norovirus GI/II)

PARASITES (Cryptosporidium, Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia)

DIGESTION (Steatocrit, Elastase-1)

Get to the root cause of your gut symptoms with the GI-MAP test

GI MARKERS (β-Glucuronidase, Occult Blood)

IMMUNE RESPONSE (Secretory IgA, Anti-gliadin (protein in gluten) IgA, etc)

INFLAMMATION (Calprotectin)

who can benefit from the gi-map test?

  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Bloating
  • Gassiness
  • Brain fog
  • Fatigue
  • Skin issues
  • Food Sensitivities

And more!

I then use all of this incredible data...

to create a personalized gut-healing protocol that is specifically designed for YOUR unique symptoms and YOUR unique test results. This plan includes therapeutic support for: food, supplements, movement/exercise, sleep, and more.

Want more support?

A research-based course to help you support your gut

Why I made this course: During your 1:1 calls with me, there is only so much time to go over everything that I want to teach you to help you reach digestive harmony!

That's where BGB comes in: focus on your unique results and protocol when in session with me and you can use this program to help fill in the knowledge gaps!

BGB is included in Option 2 of my GI-MAP testing package (see more info below).

topics include

  • Full breakdown of how digestion actually works
  • Finding the root cause of YOUR symptoms
  • How to support IBS, SIBO, leaky gut, and more
  • Supporting optimal digestion and absorption
  • How the menstrual cycle impacts digestion
  • Decreasing food reactions and sensitivities
  • Supporting the gut-brain connection
  • Using nutrition to support mental health 
  • How to build a supportive meal plan (recipe packs included)

Testing Package Options

option 1

  • GI-MAP Test kit ($400 value)
  • Personalized treatment protocol based on your results ($300 value) 
  • 1 hour results review session with Ellen and overview of your protocol ($200 value)

option 2

  • Additional 45-min check-in after one month on the protocol ($150 value)
  • Unlimited access to message support between sessions ($200 value)
  • Life-time access to Balanced Gut Breakthrough program to support your healing ($300 value)

price: $597
($397 with BCBS PPO)

price: $927
($577 with BCBS PPO)

Everything in Option 1 PLUS:

ON the discovery call, we will discuss your package options!