Empowering you to stop binge eating and restricting. Learn to pursue health with intuitive eating!

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But after A LOT of education (cue blood, sweat, and tears!) I finally figured out what I was missing all along:

This led me to think about food 24/7 and constantly doubt myself.

A belief and trust that my own body can guide me in making health decisions.

And if you’re rolling your eyes and thinking, “Well, here’s another nutritionist telling me if I just ‘listen to my body,’ all my food issues will disappear,” - wait a second and let me explain.

This doesn’t mean I don’t use nutrition science or nerd out all the cool research studies that are being published daily. But it does mean I no longer listen to diet culture telling me what I can eat, when I can eat, and how much I can eat.

Instead, I use a holistic and mindful approach to nutrition that pairs science with intuition.

Hi, I'm Ellen!

Like you, I spent years looking for the “secret” answer to health and limiting the foods I was “allowed” to eat.

This is a holistic health program designed to help you overcome binge eating, stop emotional eating, and finally make nutrition decisions that support your optimal health (instead of listening to diet culture!).

F*ck Your Diet Coaching Program

With 1:1 Nutrition Counseling, you'll get 1:1 support in learning how to heal your relationship with food, stop binge eating, and become an intuitive eater.

1:1 Nutrition Counseling

Ready to become an Intuitive Eater and pursue health on your terms?

These comprehensive GI-MAP stool testing packages are for anyone who is struggling with their digestive health and wants to support their gut, but wants to avoid restrictive dieting.

anti-diet gi-map Testing packages

Stop Feeling Addicted to Sugar

free course

From the Blog

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She takes a practical & holistic approach to nutrition and on top of being insightful, is very validating in her ability to listen to the individual's story. This experience was well worth it to know what I can add to my own life to improve its quality, refine how I look at what "healthy" means to me, and validate good habits."

"It has been such a treat working with Ellen. 


When it was recommended by my primary care doctor, I reached out hesitantly to a few of the nutritionists they recommended. After about two minutes of chatting with Ellen, I knew that she was going to be someone I can trust, talk to, and learn from. Working with Ellen has been a joy and I honestly cannot wait to see how continuing to meet with her changes my life."

"Nutrition is and has been a point of struggle in my day-to-day life.

kind words